
Showing posts from March 6, 2019

How to properly TRIM an ssd (18.04)

1 I want to do what follows: set (via systemctl ) a trim timer which would trim more than once a week but less than daily. Say every three days. I want to be sure that if the system is turned off or sleeping what the scheduled trim should be executed, it will be executed at the next awakening/boot. How can I do that? ssd trim share | improve this question asked Oct 26 '18 at 23:20 MadHatter MadHatter 221 1 6 17 2


王玄谟 (388年-468年4月7日),字 彥德 ,自稱太原祁縣(今山西祁县)人,但南方人不相信太原王氏的高門血統,因其定居徐州下邳,稱之為下邳王氏。 [1] 南朝宋将领,曾參與元嘉北伐,平定劉義宣叛亂等戰爭。 目录 1 生平 2 性格特徵 3 佚事 4 家庭 4.1 子女 4.2 外甥 5 參考資料 生平 王玄謨年幼時就已經顯得不平凡,伯父王蕤有鑒賞人才的能力,常常笑稱:「這個孩子高尚忠正,有太尉彥雲(王凌)的風範呀。」後來被劉裕辟為徐州從事史。元嘉元年(424年),謝晦外任荊州刺史、南蠻校尉,請了王玄謨為南蠻行參軍、武寧太守。元嘉三年(426年),宋文帝出兵討伐謝晦,謝晦兵敗被殺,王玄謨因非主帥而獲免罪,後擔任长沙王刘义欣的镇军中兵参军,领汝阴太守。 元嘉七年(430年),宋文帝派到彥之北伐,但因失利退還;次年滑臺亦為魏軍所陷。王玄謨此時就上疏文帝,認為北伐不成主因是士兵不欲遠征,建議在魯陽縣及南鄉縣出兵攻關中及洛陽,而非以江東軍隊遠道進攻。接著的日子多次向文帝進獻北伐策略,一直有心北伐的宋文帝也聽得很心動。後王玄謨任徐州刺史、興安侯劉義賓的輔國司馬、彭城太守。元嘉二十五年(448年),劉義賓去世,王玄謨表稱彭城是水陸要塞,求以皇子外鎮徐州,文帝遂命武陵王劉駿任徐州刺史。 元嘉二十七年(450年),宋文帝再度北伐,以王玄謨為宁朔将军,受辅国将军萧斌节度,率主力進碻磝,碻磝守軍退走後玄謨轉攻滑台(今河南滑县东),围城两百余日不下。圍攻初期城內有很多茅屋,有人建議用點火的箭燒掉它們,但玄謨認為這會損耗城破後能俘獲的軍需品而拒絕,但城內不久就將茅屋都撤去了。他又一直固执拒谏,堅持以自己想法行事,屢加殺戮;更乘機營高利,賣布給當地人竟索八百個梨,因而大失人心。及後魏太武帝率军来救,兵眾請以車營抵抗北魏騎兵;垣護之知魏軍來到,亦急請王玄謨不計傷亡也要攻下滑臺以取得據點抵抗魏軍,可是王玄謨都一概拒絕。最終魏軍攻至,他趁夜色而逃,士兵潰散,傷亡慘重。回到碻磝後萧斌想處死他,但被沈庆之谏止。後蕭斌率眾南退歷城,玄謨自請留守碻磝。次年,魏軍兵至瓜步山後退軍,江夏王劉義恭以碻磝並不可守,召王玄謨率眾棄守南還,但玄謨就遭到魏軍追擊,玄謨軍大敗,手臂更中箭受傷,但還是能撤回歷城。

PTIJ: Should I stay away from my computer?

2 The Torah in Shemot 23:7 advises to distance oneself from a false thing. Well - here's one false thing about my computer (and, probably your's too). Frequently, when you turn on your computer, it is finishing its updates. It tells you the percentage completed (which may not be accurate, but, that may be a case of lifnei iver (stumbling block before the blind.) However, at the point that it says 100% complete, it stays there for a minute or so. That seems to be an outright lie. If it's 100% complete with its updating, it should move on to the next step and boot up or let you use your mouse and keyboard. If it stays there for a minute or two, perhaps it's still updating. Regardless, it's not 100% complete! So, if I'm to follow the Torah's advice, should I distance myself from my c