
Showing posts from March 30, 2019

替身 (鬼魂)

  關於同名或類似名的其它條目描述,請見「 替身 」。 本條目 需要擴充。 ( 2014年1月31日 ) 请協助改善这篇條目,更進一步的信息可能會在討論頁或扩充请求中找到。请在擴充條目後將此模板移除。 替身 ,俗稱 替死鬼 ,閩南、臺灣稱 交替 。在道教、中國民間信仰中,枉死的鬼魂,為了能再投胎轉世,必須找一個頂替自己的人,並使之身亡,稱為「替身」。 如清朝袁枚小說《續子不語》:李生夜讀,家臨水次,聞鬼語:「明日某來渡水。此,我替身也。」至次日果有人來渡。李力阻之,其人不渡而去。夜,鬼來,責之曰:「與汝何事?而使我不得替身?」 參看 替身 參考資料 袁枚《續子不語》 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

Defamation due to breach of confidentiality

1 Hypothetical: I say negative stuff about John Doe to my psychologist, stuff which isn't defamation per se . My psychologist doesn't directly act on my statements, but does share my statements with third parties. Due to those statements those third parties cancel contracts with John Doe, stop buying products from John Doe, etc. Could I use as a defense against defamation the fact that I thought my statements to John Doe wouldn't be shared with anyone? united-states defamation confidentiality share | improve this question edited 2 hours ago Nij 2,100 3 12 26